Архив рубрики «Releases»
WordPress 3.3.1 Security and Maintenance Release
WordPress 3.3.1 is now available. This maintenance release fixes
WordPress 3.3 “Sonny”
The latest and greatest version of the WordPress software — 3.3, named “Sonny” in honor of the great jazz saxophonist Sonny Stitt — is
WordPress has had over 65 million downloads since version 3.0 was released, and in this third major iteration we’ve added significant polish around the new user experience, navigation, uploading, and imports. Check out this short video that summarizes the things we think you’ll find are the cat’s pajamas:
For Users
Experienced users will appreciate the new drag-and-drop uploader, hover menus for the navigation, the new toolbar, improved co-editing support, and the new Tumblr importer. We’ve also been thinking a ton about what the WordPress experience is like for people completely new to the software. Version 3.3 has significant improvements there with pointer tips for new features included in each update, a friendly welcome message for first-time users, and revamped help tabs throughout the interface. Finally we’ve improved the dashboard experience on the iPad and other tablets with better touch support.
For Developers
There is a ton of candy for developers as well. I’d recommend starting your exploration with the
Roll the Credits
The Credits tab on the new About WordPress screen in the WordPress dashboard provides recognition for contributors to each release, but we like to thank them here as well.
As well, we’d like to give a shout out to these users who have been particularly active
WordPress 3.3 Release Candidate 3
The third (and hopefully final!) release candidate for WordPress 3.3 is now available. Since RC2, we’ve done
Our goal is to release version 3.3 early next week, so plugin and theme authors, this is your last pre-release chance to test your plugins and themes to find any compatibility issues before the final release. We’ve published
If you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the
To test WordPress 3.3, try the
WordPress 3.3 Release Candidate 2
The second release candidate for WordPress 3.3 is now available!
As the first release candidate was well-received, we think we’re really close to a final release. Primarily, we’ve ensured that new toolbar (the admin bar in 3.2) has a consistent appearance across all browsers, and the API for developers is now final. You can check our bug tracker for the
Plugin and theme authors, please test your plugins and themes now, so that if there is a compatibility issue, we can figure it out before the final release. On our development blog, we’ve published
If you haven’t tested WordPress 3.3 yet, now is the time — please though, not on your live site unless you’re adventurous. Once you install RC2, you can visit About WordPress page (hover over the WordPress logo in the top left) to see an overview of what’s to come in WordPress 3.3 (and what to test, of course).
If you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the
To test WordPress 3.3, try the
Sometimes time slows down
between releases – like now
This is RC2
WordPress 3.3 Release Candidate 1
Release Candidate stage means we think we’re done and are about ready to launch this version, but are doing one last check before we officially call it. So take a look, and as always, please check your themes and plugins for compatibility if you’re a developer.
Stayed up late tonight,
Hammering toward RC1.
Now with more icons!
WordPress 3.3 Beta 4 Available Now
The march toward 3.3 continues!
With all our major tickets closed, we are very close to a release candidate. In Beta 4 we’ve fixed a bunch of bugs, cleaned up the UI, added real text in some of the screens that still had placeholder text in Beta 3 (post-update screen, the Dashboard welcome area, new feature pointers), and generally tightened things up. We updated to jQuery 1.7.1 and addressed a LOT of bugs.
If you are a plugin or theme developer (or distributor), please test against Beta 4 to ensure there are no issues.
If you find any problems, please report them as usual. Many thanks!
Thought 3 was the last?
Ha ha! Beta 4 is here –
Better get testing!